Customs Brokerage Services
In order to provide integrated transport services, we are able to arrange customs formalities for both import and export shipments. Furthermore we can arrange the lift-off and the customs formalities of in transit cargo to and from the Balkan countries.
- Fast completion of customs procedures for import / export
- Easier access to customs simplifications
- Fewer physical and documentary inspections
- Priority in treatment of consignments if selected for a physical inspection
- Increased processing speed
- Reduced cost
- Improved cash flow
- High level of service
►AEO Accredited services on link with customs
►ISO certified (ISO-9001:2008, ISO-14001:2004)
►Imports customs clearance
►Exports customs clearance
►Cargo of particular fiscal status
►IMO & ADR classified cargo
►Transit customs formalities (in and out)
►Port clearance for EU cargo (T2)
►Overseas cargo in transit to Greece (T1)
►Customs clearance documentation (EU, overseas)
►Calculation of taxes, duties and costs on internded operations
►Consulting customers